Thursday, March 27, 2008


Not too much going on today. Jonathan's swim lessons started back up last night and he did well. Sometimes he forgets to breathe. Not good when your head is under water. Baby is sleeping through the night after getting over his little cold.

My wife is suddenly obessed with Facebook and MySpace. I'm a little worried.

Still no good tv on, watched Biggest Loser last night and then Idol. Medium is sitting on my DVR still but since it's a part one of two I don't think Brig will want to watch it until next Monday. She's weird like that.


Unknown said...

I'm not sure finding one friend and emailing with her qualifies as an obsession. Maybe you don't understand the word because you were listening to too much REO Speedwagon.

I think the title of your next post should be Suck it, Beautiful.

Mike said...

The world has moved on and is leaving me in the dust. The day I have a facebook page will also be the day that I turn gay.